Friday, September 11, 2009

Be Inspirational.

Crochet. It's something that is near and dear to my heart. Not nessecarily because of the art, but because of the women who taught me everything I know about it. While spending two or three days a month at her house during summer break, my great grandmother, Helen Welman, taught me everything she knew about crocheting. It is something she enjoyed doing so much, that she lovingly passed her passion on to me. We would sit for hours making pot holders, pumpkins, pillow cases, scarfs, and blankets, laughing and spending quality time together.

Take your hobby to the next level and teach a child. Become an inspiration, just like my great grandmother has inspired me.


  1. You know how I love traditions... I think that passing down a craft/art is awesome. Can you still make pumpkins?
